Advantages of Pilates

Recently, I made the decision that I needed to try a new workout for my body. I love running and spinning, but I needed to find a workout that would make me feel good without being extremely intense. I’ve tried yoga and hot yoga, which are both fabulous exercises but they don’t really “do it for me”.

Between the complicated stomach issues, trying to eat clean/light, sitting all day long and feeling overwhelmed with everything going on in my day-to-day life I knew I needed to find an outlet. Obviously, I still love getting a good run in and participating in cardio activities as well as weight training, but Pilates has allowed me to connect my mind with my body. The concept sounds very cliché for those who have only heard this phrase in articles…I can assure you I rolled my eyes the first time I heard it.

The first few times I did mat Pilates I was trying to focus on my form and the breathing that goes along with certain movements. As I became more familiar with the different movements, I could focus more on my breathing. I recently started practicing Pilates on a reformer, which provides more stabilization with resistance. I’ve learned that the areas of the body that Pilates really helps to strengthen are the deep transverse abdominal muscles, pelvic floor muscles and diaphragm.

So that crazy mind, body connection concept has really helped to make me more aware of my breathing and posture as well as strengthening my obliques and abdominal muscles. I truly have noticed a difference in my body, whether I’m sitting at my desk or out for a run ..

It’s your turn to try something new! Even though many people love the comfort of knowing you can go to the gym and do the same gym routine or maybe change it up and go from the elliptical to the stairmaster or the treadmill, your body needs a break from those machines and change is GOOD – you see results when you step out of your comfort zone!


Ready for a change?

How about trying a pre-workout smoothie or a new post-workout snack?

I will be posting new recipes for healthy/clean eating snacks and smoothies that are easy to make but that also taste great! I know I need to change and what better time to start than NOW?

So, here is a new recipe for you to try today ..

Strawberry Creamsicle Smoothie

  • 1 Cup Coconut Milk
  • 1 Cup Cultured Coconut Milk (found by the kefir in the refrigerated section)
  • 1 Cup Frozen Strawberries
  • 1 scoop Epic Protein Vanilla Lucuma
  • 1 Cup Spinach
  • 1 Tbsp ground Flax Seeds


Let me know what you think 🙂

Tips to Making Running Easier

1) Create an amazing playlist for your run, even if it isn’t too long
( you may find yourself running further if you enjoy the music )

2) Stay hydrated (ALWAYS) – this is a huge concept to pay attention to and always listen to your body

3) Wear the proper running shoes

4) Go at a good pace – don’t start out too fast because you may feel very tired half way through your run

5) Grab a friend – running with someone can be challenging and may add a little competitive edge to your run

6) Set a goal for yourself and it will make running more enjoyableHiker cheering

“Start Strong, Finish Stronger”

As many of you know I’ve participated in far too many races to count. This past Monday, Columbus Day, I ran the Tufts 10K for women for the third year in a row. The run is very inspirational and extremely well organized, with awesome post-race treats and fabulous vendors. I ran this race last year with two girlfriends and it was much more exciting having them participate with me, but I enjoy heading down to Boston Common every year for this event.

After checking out some of the vendors and purchasing a few awesome headbands, I made my way toward the start line. Prior to every run, I stretch a bit and listen to music before the gun goes off. As I stood around more than 7,500 women on Beacon Street I realized how thankful I am to have the opportunity to run through the streets of Boston with such pride.

The race begins down Beacon Street, then a right turn on Massachusetts Avenue, right turn on Memorial Drive, left turn back towards the BU Boat Club, loop back toward the Massachusetts Avenue Bridge, left onto Commonwealth Avenue and around the Public Garden to cross the finish line. Every turn we took and every mile we ran was such an amazing experience. You could see participants all along the course in large groups supporting one another and pushing to the finish line.

For anyone who hasn’t run this race before and are ready for a fantastic challenge – SEE YOU IN 2015!


Take control

In today’s society, Americans have been taught that in order to complete a meal one must eat everything on your plate. NEWS FLASH – overeating stems from consuming larger portions than necessary, larger portions will lead to weight gain which can result in obesity. The overarching issue is that obesity and weight gain can be controlled, but it takes self-control.

How many people actually stop eating when they’re full? I am guilty in this category as well because I LOVE dessert and would prefer eating cake over a meal. The problem is that much of what we do when we eat is controlled by emotions and your surroundings. If you’ve had a bad day or heck a bad week, you’re more likely to go for that pizza on a Friday night as oppose to a salad. Those days that we crave chocolate, it has been said that dark chocolate is the way to go but again remember our portions.

Lastly, restaurants are another issue when it comes to measuring portions. When we order a piece of chicken it is usually double the size of a normal portion, plus the sides. Some may think ordering a salad is a smart option, try again. The added dressing, salt and god knows what else they put on your plate can occasionally add up to the amount of calories you should consume in a day.

Some may be thinking, well it’s a Friday and I have plans to eat out tonight. Don’t let me stop you! My only advice is to make smart decisions when you eat, go to restaurants that offer healthy options and lastly support local places rather than chains. 


It has been some time since I last had a post on fitness or healthy eating. There is no excuse for the lack of updates, but I am back with some exciting news you will enjoy. I have completed my first marathon! I ran 26.2 miles through the most magical place, a place I’m sure many of you have been to before, Walt Disney world.
The first time I heard someone speak of running a marathon I immediately thought to myself there is no way I’m interested, nor could I physically cross a finish line after 26.2 miles. I have run three half marathons and several 10k as well as 5k races, but never did I think I would run 26.2 miles until the day after the marathon bombing in Boston. Marathon Monday in Boston is a significant day to not only the thousands of runners from all over the world, but also to the many spectators watching athletes crossing the finish line on Boylston Street. As a Bostonian viewing the marathon for the first time I was beyond excited to experience a gorgeous spring day in the city with friends, until the unthinkable occurred. Marathon Monday will now have a similar impact on people the way September 11th did.
As I sat as my desk the day after the marathon feeling hopeless and afraid I knew I could challenge myself in a way that would allow me to break out of my comfort zone. I have always wanted to run the Boston marathon and I knew if I could train for a marathon I could mentally overcome all doubt.
So, on January 12th I crossed the finish line after running 26.2 amazing miles in Disney. I ran for all those runners that fought for their lives and for those who face obstacles everyday because of the bombing in Boston. The day will come when I cross the finish line in Boston and I will never stop running strong.


Are you on a budget?

Most of us are constantly complaining about spending countless amounts of money at grocery stores or local markets, but that is what we have to do to eat healthy, right? NO! According to Food Babe – we can still eat healthy on a budget. Check out her post and let me know what you think!

Check it out!

Food Babe shares some great posts that we can all learn from.